Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Half way there and running out of time….

Between work (UPS), and work (rental house) and work (home) and work (Club 180 youth center), I am finding less time for family and even less time for school. I’ve been told that one has to prioritize. I’ve also been told that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. In this case it’s the squeaky wheel that wins out.

I have read more this semester than in any other similar time period in my life, and unfortunately it was not for pleasure. Fortunately it was very informative. I’ve enjoyed reading about the future of distance learning, and imagining new ways to put distance education resources into practice in my current position.

In addition to reading about distance learning techniques, I have taken the opportunity, this semester to dive into Windows7 and use the Word program to create documents for the Club 180 Youth Center our church is starting, in my home town. club 180 concert snagit 001Although it may seem off base, as far as distance learning, it is definitely new technology to me. I have always utilized Word to write papers for school, or to write work-related letters. Using Word to create signs has been a new and exciting experience for me.  But to be able to utilize a Word program to create a concert flyer had to be the most enjoyable thing I have done with Windows7 yet. And hey, maybe I’ll get to sing “mommas, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys”, with the man who wrote it.

The Ed Bruce Concert

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