Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To vacation or not: Is it vacation just because you’re not getting paid to work?

It’s June 16, 2010. I am now three days into my first of two vacation weeks for the year. At least I am not at UPS. However, it doesn’t really feel like vacation. I worked Saturday, Sunday afternoon, Monday, Tuesday and all day today on my son’s '”college rental house”.  The house isn’t really that bad,  if you consider hardwood floors, running water, walls, a roof and electricity as the only needs for a comfortable house.

When the windows have to be pressure washed (outside as well as in), the ceilings as well as the walls have to be painted, the floors need to be refinished, and one of the two bathrooms has to be completely gutted, then functionality becomes an issue. The second of the two bathrooms has a peep hole in the shower, because of poor or incomplete renovations, and we’re still not sure if the land lord is going to throw in an air conditioner. All of this week will be dedicated to demolition.

Wednesday afternoon at 19:00 I have a Wimba live class meeting  for my statistics class. Thanks to wimbamodern technology, I will be able to continue demolition, listen to synchronous lecture, and view examples and instructions on my laptop computer as I walk in and out of the house to deposit demolition materials into the bed of my pickup truck.

Technology is truly amazing. Only a few short years ago I would have to sit at a desktop computer, plug in my earphones, and virtually be non-productive during the lecture. Now, thanks to modern technology, I am able to mute my phone, listen to the lecture, and multi-task the demolition and the class lecture. I can even participate in the class lecture, via the telephone or through the Wimba console. Can distance learning get any better than this?

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