Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Impressions

Excited, invigorated, anxious -- either term could easily describe my emotions on the first day/weekend at the University of Alabama. But, beyond that finite experience is where the rubber meets the road.
The ability to have everything at one's fingertips is not a totally new idea. In Corporate America, where everything is "electronically formatted", and one must dial up, down load, or log on, I have settled into a comfort zone that I have yet to manage in this program. One would only expect this within the first week of any new endeavor. But, fearful of falling behind I have tried to open, view and digest ALL of the information on every site that opens.
Quite possibly my most important realization is that I, yes even I, must slow down and take this one day at a time.

I am very excited to be in my first week as a doctoral student at the University of Alabama. Now I must take a deep breath, and plan for that which needs completed today, and let tomorrow's new discoveries wait.

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